I Came To NE Florida For A Simpler Life ~ reflecting as humongous storm Irma approaches

Beach 1

One and a half years ago, I moved lock stock and pets to Florida from Brooklyn (NYC). I’d lived in the rush, rush, rush of Gotham for over 33 years and was more than tired of it.

I love the Atlantic Ocean and crave being near it. I’d lived in Miami for 2 years, but that was before my marriage to a guy from Brooklyn. Even in Brooklyn, we lived in the Marine Park neighborhood which is only a few miles from the ocean. On days when the wind blew from east-to-west, we could smell the briny, salt air. Loved that. But didn’t love the rush, the mania, the grit in the air that comes along with living in the Big Apple.

Moi, Jax Beach

NE Florida immediately brought serenity, and I craved that after 33 years of a city in constant animation, always busy. Slowly I got rid of my all-black wardrobe (the NYC uniform) and relaxed into what I call a pulled-together beach-bum style.

Hurricane Irma is now 2 – 3 days from its approach to northeast Florida and I went to with my doctor’s referral to get blood drawn this morning. I guess, that qualifies me as a true Floridian. Afterward, on the way home, I so looked forward to a cup of hot coffee. As I drove, I prayed for the houses on my right and left, that angels would protect them from the storm. I prayed for the broader community. Prayer is definitely part of ‘the simple life’ I lead here in Fla.

Yes, I’m preparing. All Floridians are. In my house, preparations are intentionally simple. Simplicity doesn’t mean complacency. Today I’m making sure my freezer is full of ice so that if the power goes out, whatever is in there will keep. I shopped yesterday and didn’t buy anything frozen. Today and tomorrow I’m eating what needs to be cooked. Following a phoned-in tip I heard on the radio from a survivalist, I filled up small plastic containers with water nearly to the top and froze them. This will help keep my entire refrigerator cold (milk, veggies, cold cuts, etc.) if there’s no power long-term. As the water defrosts it can be used to brush teeth, etc.

There is order to simplicity and calm. Am I always calm? No! In the past, I made whining and complaining into an art form. God’s worked a lot on me in that area. I’m also a ‘Plan A, Plan B, Plan C’ type person. I do keep my plans simple. However, I like to know not only what the plan is,  but what the alternate plans are. I’ve learned, however, the Ultimate Plan is God’s plan.

I continue to pray for all those in the path of Hurricane Irma, now considered the biggest and most ferocious storm ever recorded in the Atlantic Ocean.

Isaiah 4:6 [NASB] ~  There will be a shelter to give shade from the heat by day, and refuge and [a]protection from the storm and the rain.

9 thoughts on “I Came To NE Florida For A Simpler Life ~ reflecting as humongous storm Irma approaches

  1. I’m praying for all who are on Irma’s path, as well as Texas and the northwest that’s being chewed up in flames. I hope my daughter in Tampa is hearing these great ideas for preparation and survival. Watching for updates and praying continually. May God bless and keep you.


    1. Nancy, I think all the local radio stations are broadcasting what to do continuously. The local authorities seem to have things as under control as they can. Now we have to pray those they are telling to evacuate today and tomorrow will do so, and not wait to see how things go. They say it’s bumper to bumper on some major highways. They want those who have to evacuate to do it early. I’m sending up a payer for your daughter and for Tampa right now


  2. I have been praying for Irma to move east and out to sea. Watching videos of Irma’s fury in the islands, reminded me that I need to be praying for their residents. My hurricane tip is once the power goes off, do not open your fridge or freezer. Also, should the water be shut off, the water heater has many gallons of drinkable water. I will be remembering you in my prayers along with my family and friends in Florida.

    I like your new simplicity life style.


    1. Onisha, It takes a dire situation like this for us to realize there are people living on tiny islands we’ve never heard of. I have a burden for the Bahamas. I’ve been there twice and love the people. I started praying for them and Puerto Rico very early.

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      1. Judy, Thx so much. It will be a cat 3 by the time it gets here, but that’s still a very serious storm. By then it will have had some huge trail of destruction. Thx again for the prayers.

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