A No Nonsense Female PI ~ still funny as all get out

Harmful Intent, Framed

HARMFUL INTENT, the first in the Veronica “Ronnie” Ingels/Dawson Hughes mystery series, is action packed, yet delivers laughs. Ronnie faces more than a few nasty types and encounters as much violence as any crime fiction main character worth his or her salt.

Whereas Janet Evonovich’s character Stephanie Plum isn’t the bravest operative on the street, Ronnie is not only tough, she’s competent…is armed to the teeth and is an excellent shot. Like Stephanie Plum, Ronnie is hilarious.


Isablle Lucas




One reader suggested Transformers’ Isabelle Lucas would make a terrific Ronnie Ingles should it ever be made into a movie.




Fun facts about Ronnie Ingles:

  • She was born and bred in Brooklyn (NYC) and her parents divorced when she was a teenager. The loss of her father has impacted her ability to chose men wisely.
  • She works for the irascible Jack Cooney at Cooney Investigations.
  • Taylor County Deputy Sheriff Dawson Hughes sets his steel gray eyes on her as he thinks she might’ve killed her cheating husband.

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